

Fieldwork 15 - 40 Hours


Fieldwork one Hour


Fieldwork 2 - 10 Hours

Marine Biology Training

Examples of Training

These are examples of coral reef surveys and monitoring programs. These are the minimum requirements to allow the participants to join any marine projects worldwide.

Marine Biology

Introduce those all interested to basic sicence of marine biology.

Marine Biology

PADI specialty, to introduce divers and all those interested in the marine environment, to the basic science of marine biology.

Academy 30 hrs including 2 dives.

Reef Check EcoDiver

Quick survey on coral reef communities for conservation.


Reef Check EcoDiver

Survey on coral reefs to collect data necessary for management and conservation by identifying of fish, invertebrates, and substrates. Academy 15 hrs inc. 6 dives.

REEF Fish IORS Level 1

Fish identification to species level in the Indian Ocean and Red Sea

REEF Fish IORS Level 1

Using Roving Diver Technique, divers and snorkelers can freely swimme to identify the fish species and abundance.

Academy 1 hrs inc. 1 dive.


The participants who attended at least one online course. Offer 15% OFF for the next training and €75 OFF expeditions.

Let's ReActivate

your knowledge

EcoPro Alumni who do not conduct a survey in a specific field for less than one year will need to ReActivate their skills. A discount of 50% is offered on the whole course and diploma.

Our Training